About Me

Hi there! Welcome to the humble abode of my mind's ramblings and thoughts. I wanted to find a place to share my learnings and initially was against the idea of having it available publicly. After much thought though, I realized the benefits of an open channel as it allows for feedback and conversation.

My intent for this blog was initially to document my journey post-university. Again, this rolled over into a larger personal project questioning how I plan to design my life. Unlike university and schooling years, once you reach the working world, there is no curriculum to follow. You have to measure your life on your own terms and define your own priorities.

Throughout this journey, I hope to consolidate my frameworks and mechanisms for comprehending the tumultuous ups-and-downs of life. The learning process is iterative and I hope to continue to challenge my own self-beliefs and relearn if need be.

What is my life purpose? What questions intrigue me? What am I curious about? What do I want to optimize?  

A large portion of this blog is also dedicated to identifying and answering what I term as 'core question areas' (fields that I want to attain some level of mastery in). At the time of writing, these lie in the fields of technology, design and business.

If anything on this blogs connects with you in any way, good or bad, please feel free to share your views. I am against toxic arguments but am for constructive feedback and learning from one another. If you plan on sharing anything, please do so in a manner that is conducive for positive reflection and discourse.